Religious, Travel & Health Care
"For the Hurt of My People"
now available!
When it comes to the United States healthcare system, most Americans can agree on one thing: change needs to happen.
What we can’t agree on is what changes to make and how to make them.
In For the Hurt of My People: Original Conservatism and Better, Simpler Health Care, Joseph Q. Jarvis, MD, MSPH, an experienced healthcare professional, offers a practical solution to what has historically been an expensive mess.
All Americans deserve to have access to high-quality healthcare that puts the patients first, not profit.
More than a political issue, healthcare is a humanitarian issue. Continuing in our cycle of making the insurance companies and medical corporations richer by the day at the expense of patients who often cannot afford the care they need is not going to work.
The wellness of us all depends on how we respond now. Join the movement for universal healthcare with “For the Hurt of My People.”
In What the Single Eye Sees: Faith, Hope, Charity & the Pursuit of Discipleship, Dr. Joseph Q. Jarvis reveals spiritual insights we’ve never considered before.
He teaches us how to explore what Christ’s call to discipleship really means and how following that call deepens our relationship with the Savior.
In The Hope of the Promise: Israel in the Ancient & Latter Days, Dr. Joseph Q. Jarvis explores the real sites of biblical events, their connection to the gospel, and how we can use them to enrich our faith.
Using vivid images and archaeological analysis, he gives context to the stories we were raised with, reminding us that they are a pivotal part of history.
In The Purple World, Dr. Joseph Q. Jarvis, MD, examines how our nation’s focus has radically shifted from the disease to the dollar—drastically harming Americans in the process.
Instead of simply pointing fingers and wailing about the outrages, Dr. Joseph Q. Jarvis offers a workable solution that can be implemented by each state.
Options for a Better Health Care System
Health Care Reform
As Americans, we know our healthcare system is broken, expensive, and unfair. Now, let’s find a way to make improvements in how we care for ourselves.
In For the Hurt of My People: Original Conservatism and Better, Simpler Health Care, Joseph Q. Jarvis, MD, MSPH, a long-time public health physician, offers practical ideas on how to untangle the messy politics which keep our nation from really reforming how we do healthcare.
Illness or injury should not be reduced to a business opportunity, but instead should be a chance to meet individual need and thereby promote the general welfare of American society.
Charity, in the broad spiritual sense, should be the driving force in how we do healthcare, because altruism better motivates than avarice.
Whether we Americans can heal our fractured society depends upon whether we can find common cause with each other in caring for all our sick and injured.
Join the growing movement for better, simpler care for all Americans and get your copy of For the Hurt of My People.

If the safety record of American hospitals were applied to the airline industry…
…a fully loaded 747 would crash every other week.
No matter your political beliefs, no matter your age or job, everyone needs access to quality healthcare. Unfortunately, in America we cannot seem to agree on how best to provide it.
With over thirty years of experience in the medical field, Joseph Q. Jarvis, MD, MSPH offers an in-depth look at our options:
- How do we make safe health care choices?
- Where have the politicians gotten it wrong?
- What can we do now to fix it?
Using true stories from his medical career and memorable anecdotes—you’ll never believe what one drunk miner did with a rabid bat!—Dr. Jarvis reveals the problems with American health care. Along with this, he offers dynamic solutions and a path forward.
If you’re looking to understand America’s crazy medical system, The Purple World is your best chance. Step up, learn more, and take charge of your own health care.
Finding Hope in a World of Challenges
Gospel Inspired
Sometimes the histories of the prophets feel more like fairy tales .. . .
but they’re as real as the places they left behind.
Revisit God’s promises through these historical sites and experience His word like never before.
When the Apostle Paul stood before Festus and Agrippa on trial for his life, he claimed he was being judged “for the hope of the promise made of God unto” Israel. Festus thought Paul had gone mad, but Agrippa was almost persuaded to embrace Christianity.
In The Hope of the Promise, Dr. Joseph Jarvis explores several of the ancient sites where biblical events took place and revisit Paul’s question: “Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?”
Through beautiful photographs and in-depth analysis, you will:
- Visit the modern nation of Israel
- Encounter the people who made history in the Bible • Experience events from thousands of years ago
- Learn about what all of this means for today
- Gain a stronger understanding of the reality and role of Jesus Christ
Dr. Jarvis offers an insightful perspective on the position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the modern state of Israel by exploring the fulfillment of ancient prophecy. In doing so, he opens the Bible to modern understanding.
Discover a renewed understanding of God’s promise to Israel, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the hope this message brings

The world seems chaotic…
…and we live in trying times.
Do you know how to restore your hope?
Through his lifetime study of the Bible, The Book of Mormon, and The Doctrine and Covenants, author Joseph Q. Jarvis believes the scriptures offer a way to help. It starts with developing Christ-like traits.
But where to begin?
Are you practicing charity?
When Christ tells us His “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9), we know that through Him we can have peace and purpose in this life, and ultimately, life everlasting. But right now, you feel confusion, suffering, unfairness, and essential aloneness of mortality.
Don’t worry. You’re on the right path…
…but just need deeper understanding.
In true discipleship, there is energy. Knowing this leads to the influence of the spirit. The greater your knowledge, the easier it will be to follow His plan.
Your journey awaits.
You’ll love this deeply moving book, because discovering how to turn your eye to the Lord and partake of His glory and grace, will change everything.