When it comes to the United States healthcare system, most Americans can agree on one thing: change needs to happen.
What we can’t agree on is what changes to make and how to make them.
In For the Hurt of My People: Original Conservatism and Better, Simpler Health Care, Joseph Q. Jarvis, MD, MSPH, an experienced healthcare professional, offers a practical solution to what has historically been an expensive mess.
All Americans deserve to have access to high-quality healthcare that puts the patients first, not profit.
More than a political issue, healthcare is a humanitarian issue. Continuing in our cycle of making the insurance companies and medical corporations richer by the day at the expense of patients who often cannot afford the care they need is not going to work.
The wellness of us all depends on how we respond now. Join the movement for universal healthcare with “For the Hurt of My People.”
Editorial Reviews
Reviews of For The Hurt of My People
"A rousing call, from a Christian doctor, for a state-based nonprofit healthcare system."
—Booklife Reviews
"Dr. Jarvis offers constructive actions every American can take to change [the U.S. healthcare system]."
—Mike Leavitt, former U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services
"[A] persuasive argument [that] is cogent and clear. Solid historical references support [the author's] perspective and give readers a better understanding of the current situations and possible solutions."
—BlueInk Review
"-a passionate, thoughtful political science text that argues for bringing publicly funded health care to the US."
—Foreword Reviews