What the Single Eye Sees book cover

We live in tumultuous times…

…but by drawing near to God, there is hope in all things.

Do you know how to restore your hope?

If you are searching for answers, peace, and communion with the divine, then digging deep into your discipleship is key.

In What the Single Eye Sees: Faith, Hope, Charity & the Pursuit of DiscipleshipDr. Joseph Q. Jarvis draws on a lifetime of leadership, service, and scripture study to reveal spiritual insights we’ve never considered before–teaching us how to explore what Christ’s call to discipleship really means and how following that call deepens our relationship with the Savior.

It starts with developing Christ-like traits.

What Readers Have Said

Reviews for What the Single Eye Sees

“What the Single Eye Sees” is a book that inspires hope for those that are looking for it. I don’t normally read this genre of books, but a family member recommended it to me after seeing it on TV. I like how each chapter addresses a different topic so I could go straight to the ones that interested me the most. For those looking for an uplifting, spiritual read, you will like this book. Joseph Q Jarvis did a great job at delivering those very things.

“A thought-provoking, inspiring book! Brother Jarvis’s suggestion that our faith in God represents our love of God made me think differently about both concepts. And the idea that our craving for things spiritual is due to leaving God’s presence resonated with me – and speaks to why we can’t seem to make ourselves comfortable on Earth. When we find ourselves longing for home, we can embrace His love by choosing to see, feel, and prize life in a way that our eye becomes singly focused on His glory.”

I have spent a delightful week reading and pondering Dr Jarvis' book. His skillful use of scripture, testimony and personal vignette resonated with my heart. His words awaken joy for things present and a determination to embrace faith, hope, and charity.

The book provided wonderful insight into the aspects of building Discipleship especially through his major topics--Faith, Hope and Charity. I loved that he made his points primarily by giving the reader actual scriptures from the Bible, Book of Mormon and the Doctrine & Covenants. Dr. Jarvis's personal insight and experiences added a wonderful dimension as well and I feel strongly that his writings have strengthened my commitment to draw ever closer to my Savior.

"What the Single Eye Sees" is a truly wonderful book for people to read that are looking for Spiritual nourishment. I especially enjoyed how there was an entire chapter dedicated to Faith, one to Hope, and one to charity. Dr Jarvis's perspective and description of these key Christian Concepts, along with the scriptures he used, opened my eyes to more ways I can fully Implement these into my life. I very recently experienced dangerous medical conditions that have continued to plague me. This book truly gave me New Hope and a way to try to fulfill the goals I have left in this life. I may be old, but not so old that I can't learn new tricks. I recommend this book for anyone who needs an emotional or spiritual lift, including young people. Some really great stories in there that they can identify with.

In this rich and readable text, Joseph Jarvis delves into the role that faith and hope play in the reader's view of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. While the book is based in philosophies and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the principles taught here are generalizable to every Christian belief or faith. When we study scripture with a true desire to know and understand the mysteries of God and Jesus Christ, new horizons open to us and confirm our faith from a perspective we might not have considered before. Jarvis's perspective of these truths helped me to "see" things in a light that I had not considered in my 70 years of life and study of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A truly remarkable work of research and explaining the gospel in plain English that should be both reaffirming of one's faith or helpful in building a sound foundation of gospel knowledge."

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Strengthen Your Relationship With Jesus Christ Today

Gospel Inspired

person with hands toward the sun with the quote from What the Single Eye Sees, "You properly start your relationship with God by acknowledging his hand in all things"

Through his lifetime study of the Bible, The Book of Mormon, and The Doctrine and Covenants, author Joseph Q. Jarvis believes the scriptures offer a way to help.

In What the Single Eye Sees: Faith, Hope, Charity & the Pursuit of Discipleship, Dr. Joseph Q. Jarvis draws on a lifetime of leadership, service, and scripture study to reveal spiritual insights we’ve never considered before–teaching us how to explore what Christ’s call to discipleship really means and how following that call deepens our relationship with the Savior.

If you are searching for answers, peace, and communion with the divine, then digging deep into your discipleship is key.

In What the Single Eye Sees, you’ll

  • Explore the power of faith, hope, and charity
  • Examine the energy involved in true consecration
  • Discover how to obtain the influence of the Spirit


Within these pages, Dr. Jarvis illustrates how developing Christlike traits with an eye single to God’s glory elevates us and brings us to really know our Lord, who truly understands the confusion, suffering, unfairness, and essential aloneness of mortality.

Indeed, the Savior is ideally situated to strengthen, enlighten, and preserve the best in us. When He tells us His “grace is sufficient” (2 Corinthians 12:9), we know that through Him we can have peace and purpose in this life, and ultimately, life everlasting.

Begin your journey toward a deepened spiritual experience today: start reading and discover how to turn your eye to the Lord and partake of His glory and grace.

Bonnie Jean Beesley
Bonnie Jean Beesley
“A thought-provoking, inspiring book! Brother Jarvis’s suggestion that our faith in God represents our love of God made me think differently about both concepts. And the idea that our craving for things spiritual is due to leaving God’s presence resonated with me – and speaks to why we can’t seem to make ourselves comfortable on Earth. When we find ourselves longing for home, we can embrace His love by choosing to see, feel, and prize life in a way that our eye becomes singly focused on His glory.”



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